“In photos, we’re usually laughing and happy and having a good time. We don’t normally see the other side, when we’re not having such a good time.”
Birthday: February 19, 1962
Death: August 27, 2010
- On August 7, 2009 an article was published reporting that Day had been diagnosed with a severe brain tumor
- Although through much trial research Day eventually died on August 27, 2010 in her home of England
Day first appeared on the scene as a model.
July 1990
- 8 page fashion story for The Face
o Pictured Kate Moss in Moss’s first published fashion photographs
o Entitled “The 3rd Summer of Love”
Documentary Photographs
“The sad contrast intensified between their reality and the affluent arrogance they were paid to project.”
- Her photographs were referred to as documentary something that had never been seen before in the fashion world
- Day proved that the fashion world didn’t have to be a world for just the privileged and perfect
- Day was a self taught photographer that taught the world that photography in the fashion world can be different
- She opened up all new doors
o Photos became known as grunge (style)
o Coined the term “heroin chic”
§ Kate Moss was in a bare apartment wearing childlike underwear helping coin the term
o “waif look”
§ Shaggy almost druggy youngsters dressed in vintage clothing
“The photographer always made me into someone I wasn’t. I wanted to go in the opposite direction.”
Day wasn’t so much about lighting, balance, contrast, but more about emphasis. And Day kept an emphasis on the reality of life. She found people’s most interesting moments intimate.
She wanted natural.
She wanted the person to bring themselves to the camera.
She believed that there was more to beauty beyond sex and glamour.
She felt having her most personal and vulnerable moments pictured put her in control.
Her recent work:
- Diary
o Consists of 100 photographs
o Taken over 10 years
o “raw and unflinching look at Day and her friends.”
Personally I love all that Day has come to portray in her photography and her work in general. For me photography isn’t about the lighting or the contrast the Photoshop and the models. It is about how I see the world and the reality I am surrounded with each and everyday. I sometimes think that through programs like Photoshop we are losing the rawness of photography. Through Day’s work and after perusing every work I could find of hers she made me realize once again why I had fallen in love with photography. There is a rawness to her photographs that I hope to portray with my work. There is a realness that is often times lost in current photography that Day never failed to represent.
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