Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Numero Uno

Blog Prompt #1
Photography is a big part of my life and although many may not notice it is a big part of their lives as well. Growing up my dad would document everything I do starting from my first diaper to my first step and the most recent my high school graduation. Without pictures I believe life would be nothing but fleeting moments one will eventually forget. Pictures to me represent my friends, my family, stupid moments I will soon forget, pictures are my life and always have been. I like to think of my camera as more of an extension of my arm. So needless to say without pictures life wouldn't be life, as cheesy as that might sound.

Blog Prompt #2
Now what is a photograph? I continually talk about pictures and photos above but what is a photograph? A photograph is a picture a picture that is attempting to portray a meaning a feeling an emotion it is meant to portray something. To whom is it supposed to portray these feelings to? It can be yourself or your family or the entire world. A picture is meant to capture a moment in time that we will never get back. A picture is worth a thousand words. It can mean so many things and depending on who you are and what you believe in the meanings can all be very different. 

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